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Third Grade

Third Grade

The day begins with a classroom "Morning Meeting." Students gather together for a personal greeting, share thoughts and ideas, and discuss the day’s activities.  Language Arts includes reading and discussing stories while incorporating the development and mastery of skills. Small group instruction is woven throughout, utilizing leveled readers and Literature Circles.

Math in third grade is a challenging and exciting experience. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are developed as students explore a variety of topics including place value, fractions, measurement, perimeter, area and geometry. Hands-on learning is encouraged through the use of manipulatives. SMART board technology gives students the added advantage of limitless resources. In addition, students will use math apps on an iPad to further their learning. Multiplication and division are the new challenges of third grade. Mastering times tables is a critical component to becoming proficient in these areas.

Social studies in third grade begins with an exploration of communities. As part of that exploration, students examine citizenship and various branches of government. It culminates with a study of economics. As producers and consumers they will hold a Market Day.

Throughout the year in Science we study 3 major categories. Life Science which include life cycle, evolution and adaptation of plants and animals. Through earth science we involve the Earth’s features, resources and the weather and climate. During the study of earth science we continue to explore the composition and structure of space. While studying physical science we investigate the structure of matter, energy, how heat is transferred and magnetic. We study through hands on experiments and learning. The students will explore and learn from our outside environment through our Outdoor Classroom.


Revised on 11-1-15

Click here to review The Pen Ryn 3rd Grade Curriculum