Pen Ryn is currently in the process of renewing our Middle States Accreditation. We will host a team of Middle States representatives from April 5 through April 8, 2016. During this visit, the team will observe in classrooms, and meet with teachers, parents, and community stakeholders. We are looking forward to this visit! After our visit, we will share a link with the summary of our self-study.
What Is Accreditation?
Since the turn of the 20th century, accreditation has had a major impact on American education, with the Middle States Association among the pioneers in the field. Today, it is a concept that few people understand and yet one from which many could benefit.
At its inception, accreditation responded to the public demand for improved quality and greater accountability for schools serving society's needs. The U.S. Department of Education describes approved accrediting organizations such as the Middle States as a “reliable authority as to the quality of education.” Accreditation is an external, objective validation of school quality and student achievement that fosters continuous school improvement.
Profile of A Middle States-Accredited Institution:
Adheres to the Middle States Standards for Accreditation;
Uses its mission, beliefs, and goals as the basis for daily decision-making;
Operates in the public interest and in accordance with ethical practice;
Accepts responsibility for the level of performance of its students;
Remains committed to continuous improvement in student learning and to its capacity to produce the levels of learning desired and expected by its community;
Operates in a collegial and collaborative way with all of its stakeholders;
Sustains its focus on implementing recommendations, addressing monitoring issues, and correcting stipulations that may be part of its notification of accreditation and
Fulfills its maintenance requirements to the Commission.