Second Grade
Second grade builds on the program established in the early years. Students are welcomed each day with a written morning message from their teacher. The message informs the students about the day’s events and explains the objectives for each subject.
Reading focuses on five essential questions. Selections from our reading series as well as trade books are used to explore these essential questions. Writing workshop consists of units of study in narrative, informational, opinion and poetry writing. Practice in listening and speaking naturally occurs throughout the day. Also incorporated within the program are grammar, spelling, and phonics.
The second grade math curriculum emphasizes mastery of addition and subtraction number facts, the process of regrouping, problem solving, telling time, money, measurement, fractions, geometry, and times tables. Manipulatives and technology are frequently used to introduce, develop, and enrich these topics.
Throughout the year in science, second graders study 3 major categories: life science, earth science, and physical science. The topics in life science include the life cycle, photosynthesis, and adaptation of plants and animals. In earth science, students study the Earth’s features, resources, weather, and climate. While studying physical science, second graders investigate the structure of matter, magnetism, and simple machines. The science curriculum is enhanced with experiential learning. The students explore and learn from our environment through our outdoor classroom.
Social studies class incorporates Time for Kids with an emphasis on current events. Students learn about different communities and their workers. Map skills are introduced. Guest speakers add to the program when participating in Career Month.
Science and social studies are enhanced through literature selections. The curriculum is enriched when students participate weekly in Spanish, art, music, physical education, and science. There are many opportunities for parents to be involved in classroom activities. Children enjoy parents coming to class as guest readers. During Career Month, parents are invited to share their careers and the tools of their trade with the class. The annual Mother’s Day Breakfast is one of the highlights of second grade and a favorite family event. Moms are pampered as Dads serve breakfast and children share gifts, songs, and a year of second grade memories.
Revised on 11-1-15
Click here to review The Pen Ryn 2nd Grade Curriculum